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Banco per la saldatura

Il banco di formatura e saldatura coni nasce dall’esigenza di fornire un’unica soluzione in grado di formare e saldare i coni per differenti applicazioni, permettendo un grande vantaggio in termini di costi e di rapidità di produzione.
La traslazione verticale permette di lavorare sia tubi sia coni di differenti diametri e grazie al controllo numerico è possibile gestire in automatico la saldatura; mentre la sequenza di allineamento e bloccaggio del pezzo avviene manualmente.

Welding table

  • Automatic locking system with double bar
  • Translation of welding torch on motorized rail
  • Manual adjustment of the centering
  • Automatic sequence of welding
  • Cycle start and stop on control desk
  • Telescopic version depending on the diameters of the shells
  • Internal or external welding, depending on the application
  • Telescopic movement for height adjustment
  • Pneumatic locking of sheet and cones device

The welding tables are all equipped with an automatic double bar locking system and the translation of the welding torch is on a safe motorized guide. The centering is manual to adapt to the customer’s needs.

The welding process is possible thanks to an automatic sequence and depending on the type of application, it is possible to weld internally or externally.
The range of products also includes a telescopic version to adapt to all shells sizes; in fact, this movement allows to reach different heights.

The pneumatic lock of the sheet is due to the presence of a double pedal with selector. Furthermore the numerical control buttoms let start and stop the cycle.